Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wild Onion

I was reading some Japanese nature articles online, and found a report of picking "nobiru". According to the author, it's a wild plants available in spring, looks like onion, and taste little spicy and so good. Nobiru was written in ancient Japanese books, Gods used it to cleanse evils. I've seen wild onions around the house and I think it's the same thing as nobiru, so I went for hunting them with a plastic bag and a fork (to dig).

There are wild onions everywhere!! Although, 6-10 inch tall ones are still young and small bulbs, it's not worth much to dig, I noticed. About 2 feet tall or taller would be big enough, and easier to dig & pull.

For about 30 minutes hunting, I gathered up this much wild onions (and a small blister on finger)

Once you know what/where to find and how to dig, it's not so hard to get bunch of them. Now, wash to remove dirt and outside skin, and cut roots off.

Washed & cleaned. Now what should I fix with them? Japanese recipes says:

-Eat fresh with sauce/dip
-Boil lightly and pour sauce
-Pickle bulbs in soy sauce
-Chop them up and marinate in miso paste

Hmmm. Hard to pick. How do American people eat them? (you eat them, right?)

Warning: there is a similar looking poison plants, called red spider lily. Easy way to figure out which or which is smell. Wild onion has strong onion-y smell but spider lily doesn't. So when you harvest it, make sure you sniff and it stinks.


  1. I've got to say... that was surprisingly good, and chewy and now I am onion flavored John.

  2. After you cleaned them the onions looked really good. Do you know about the Ramp ? It is like a onion, but not quite the same. There is a Ramp festival in east Tennessee every year. In the town Cosby. I would like to go to it but have not yet.

  3. mrberryman: yes, we were. I think (hope) I don't smell like onion anymore.

    shadowmail: Ramp is yummy too! It's called "gyoja ninniku" in Japanese, very rare wild vegetable. We've bought some from West Virginia couple years back. I wish it's available here too.

  4. Lovely. I grow allium in my backyard as a hobby. This one is called allium macrostemon nipponicum. This is also known as wild onion grows everywhere in japan & far east. Would you be happy to post a few bulbs, so i can grow it in my backyard please. A.
